How ladies tried to lure me into marriage with money after losing my wife –Trado-medical practitioner Olayemi Lateef a.k.a. Kolaq - Paul Ukpabio's Blog


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Wednesday, 6 January 2016

How ladies tried to lure me into marriage with money after losing my wife –Trado-medical practitioner Olayemi Lateef a.k.a. Kolaq

Alhaji  Olayemi Atunda Lateef, popularly known in social circles as Kolaq, has been a trado-medicine practitioner for over two decades. According to him, the growth of that health sub sector has been remarkable and shows that Africans indeed have a divine gift to share with the rest of the world. He came into limelight back in the late 90s and was embraced by society folks, who he says were overwhelmed by his herbal products and patronised him. But more importantly also was the role of his late amiable wife, Afisat Olamide, who was well loved, as both of them were usually, favourite faces at parties. But after the death of his wife, Kolaq, seemed to have taken a leave of absence from the society scene. In this interview with Paul Ukpabio, he shares with us the passion for his work, memories of his late wife and the joy of re-marriage.
Some time ago, you lost your wife. She was very endearing in society circles. And after that, it’s like you receded from society circles…
Yes, the death of my wife affected me because she was supportive in many ways when she was alive. But then I thank God that the family was able to move on after that. Her death didn’t mean that I had to close down the business, though she played a major role with me while she was alive. Her death was painful.
When was that?
That was about 10 years ago. Hmm, Yoruba people say, ‘Olorun a fi igbagbe si’  (meaning may God give us the grace to forget.)

At what point did you decide to re-marry?
I re-married five years ago. If you recall, my late wife and I were very close. Her death indeed affected me because she was a humble woman. She was very supportive. A major part of my business was handled by her. I felt free to involve her in my business. I enjoyed her enthusiasm in the business. Her interest and good performance made me to gain lot of confidence in her. All that made her death to be painful when it took place.
After waiting for five years without your late wife, you ended up marrying a much younger woman. How have you been coping with a much younger woman?
(Laughs) But I am still young too. For me, marrying a younger woman was not much of the attraction to beauty and so on, but it was more of prayer. I particularly prayed to God to give me a good wife, my ‘own’ wife. I prayed that God should give me my best friend. And when my present wife, popularly known as ewa Islam, came, I found out that she was okay. As it is today, she is more of a friend to me. We are best friends. If you do not see your wife as your best friend and your wife does not see you as her best friend, then the marriage cannot work out well.
Is your new wife taking part in your business?
She is trying. She is presently involved. She is not actually the only one that is involved; my children are now well involved. There is one over here handling the business, and then there is another one in America in charge of the office there. He is handling that side of the business. He has been in America for more than 10 years now. He studied pharmacy over there.
How have your children been coping with your young new wife?
My children have really been good to me. I am grateful that the investments that I have made over them over the years have started paying off. I am lucky I have four boys.
Are you expecting more children?
Yoruba people say, ‘won ki nka omo fun olomo (meaning you don’t count children).’ If children decide to come, then they have come (Laughs). So whether I am expecting right now or not expecting, I am sure that when a child arrives, the sound will be heard and the sound of celebration will be heard too.
Your new wife is an artiste. What kind of music does she sing?
She sings gospel music. She has actually just finished a collabo with popular fuji musician Saheed Osupa. She was already an artiste before I met her. So I was not involved in her decision to be an artiste. And when I met her, there was nothing I could do but to support her. I had to encourage her because i didn’t want to kill the talent or discourage her. Right now she already has two albums in the market. The one she just finished will be the third one.
What is life like living with a wife who is an artiste?
She sings a lot around the house. It is normal being that she is an entertainer. I am comfortable with the kind of music she plays since it is religious. Her kind of music allows her to be homely as well.
But after you lost your first wife, did ladies look out for your interest in marriage?
(Laughs) Yes, a lot of ladies came around with interest for marriage. Some actually bribed people close to me, in order to come closer to me themselves and suggest it. There were actually two other cases that left me shocked. One lady called and said she heard about the death of my late wife and will gladly put N10m in the bank. I gladly accepted. But when she said that we should make it a joint account, I had to think twice about it. Three times she called at different times to ask for that joint account. But I declined. There were also women from America who tried to talk me into it.
What is your style?
I love shoes. I love my shoes to be neat, clean and attractive. So I wear stylish shoes. I believe that someone’s shoes stand the person out. I value shoes more than clothing and even jewellery. But I must tell you that shoes tell much about a person. People take more interest in clothing but shoes show more of a person’s class and taste.
You have been in the trado-medicine world for quite some time, what is the feeling like, being one of the few successful ones?
When I started in 1986, it was a shameful thing to call oneself a trado- medicine practitioner. But I was determined because I admired the traditions of my forebears. In those good, old days, there was herbal medicine and then there was also a religion which was largely based on traditions. So these two were perceived to work together. For instance, in those days, before medications were given to a sick person, some of the time, the medicine man had to first consult  the oracle.
Then there wasn’t really any difference between the medicine man and the spiritual or religious head of the community. Also, most often in some cultures or traditions, the two were not found separated. That was one of the major challenges that I faced when I started the work on herbal medicine. It took some time before people could separate herbal medicine from the work of herbalists of those days. But now people know better. They now know there is a difference.
How did you start out?
I started out poorly. That was at Bariga area of Lagos. It was through dint of handwork and much determination. I rented a place at a sawmill and gradually started operating from there. I can say that my initial success came about through advertisement. At that time, herbal medicine practitioners used to be  located at hidden places and were only known to those who were close to them, or those who lived around them. But that changed when I met a journalist, who convinced me that I should advertise if I could vouch for my herbal therapies. I told him that I was sure of my products. So I went public. There after, I experienced an unusual patronage. People came to verify if my products were okay and from then on, I became popular among society people.
Does that mean that high society folks patronise herbal medicine?
Yes, they do. Even when herbal medicine was not very popular, they were patronising it. The truth is that herbal medicine is traditional to us. As Africans, we have known about it and it has  been a part of us. Also what has helped the growth of herbal medicine in the country is the increase in diseases and the inability of orthodox medicine to meet up with the demands and challenges of lasting cure for diseases and ailments. And then the high cost, non- affordability and lack of easy access to orthodox medicine; that gave us space for growth.
You ask if high society folks  patronise herbal medicine, my reply is that since they are human and they fall sick too, then they are likely to look for cure to their sickness. You will be surprised about the large number of high society people that have benefited from the use of herbal medicine over the years. I will not be able to mention names, but suffice to say that I was a nobody until high society folks began to enjoy good patronage from me. As a matter of fact, it is the rich folks that made me.
You mentioned that sicknesses and diseases have been increasing over the years, why is it so?
It is unfortunate that despite the increase in the wealth in our society, the lifestyle of today’s people  has remained unhealthy. Most of the foods that people eat are either unhealthy or not properly eaten. Sometimes people eat food at the wrong time or eat greedily. All these lead to sickness and illness. Then also, multiple sexual relationships and the increase in promiscuity have led to various diseases. Take for instance, young people who drink half carton of beer at a sitting or drink three bottles of red wine at a sitting. Some people do such regularly. There is no way that such persons will not have one illness or another in the long run.
Today for instance, young people do not sleep at night. Even the middle aged too. They stay awake most nights phone-pinging one another. Those kinds of lifestyle lead to health issues.  Some people wake at 4am and they are never back home till 11pm. These are some of the complex lifestyles of today. So for people who do not sleep properly, by the time they are 35 or 40 years old, they are definitely likely to develop hypertension. And that leads to other diseases. That is definitely not how God said that we should be using our bodies.
So are you saying that the way we use the body determines how long one lives?
What I am saying is that, it goes a long way to determine how long one lives. For instance, if you buy two brand new cars today, two years later, the wear and tear of each of the cars will be determined by their use. That is how the body is too. If you use your body poorly by throwing in all sorts of junk, it is likely that you will be affected in later life with illnesses.
So how do you take care of your own body?
I take care of my body. Anyone that does not pay attention to his body will end up being older than his actual age. I do not copy anybody and I am not envious of other people’s lifestyles. I am always contented with what I have and with what God has given me. I drink and eat in moderation. I live a free life because I do not ask God for what I cannot handle or control. People  who are rich in wrong ways cannot sleep. They end up worrying so much, age and develop illness and diseases. I live by the day!
Then more importantly, I treat myself with natural herbs. I use my products. Anyway, before I approve a product for the public, I make sure that I have used it myself. That way I ensure that I live a healthy lifestyle. I eat what my system needs or requires. In those days, when a child wakes up in the morning, they are given ‘bitters’ which cleanse their systems. But today, you hardly see such things happening. These days what you are likely to see are children who are woken up with large sized chicken, meat-pie, carbonated drinks of various colours and so on. This happens day in and day out. That lifestyle is not healthy.
It’s an open joke that herbal products lay spurious claims to cure. one product for instance, could be said to be able to cure a variety of diseases. Why is this so?
No, I think that is the problem of marketing. Take for instance the orthodox medicine, analgesics cure more than one ailment; so also some products of herbal medicine may cure more than one ailment but when it is said to cure several, it may be superfluous.
Is any of your children taking after you in your line of business?
Funny enough, all my children are already involved in it. I live an open life and one way or the other, the children have been learning. They have been having opportunity to watch and learn under me and therefore got involved. The knowledge has been interesting and the children ignited passion and interest in it early in life. Don’t forget that I learnt from my parents. But I didn’t stop there, I got into formal education as well. However, unlike my home then when I was the only one that got the knowledge from my father among all his children, my own children are very much interested in learning and knowing from me the secrets of herbal treasures.
Which were your boom years in your business?
(Laughs) Every year has been my boom year. Though herbal medicine is everywhere now and much accessible. at the level that I am, there are only a few of us there, nonetheless, herbal medicine is always around the corner. Our products are sold openly in pharmacies and health wellness centres these days. Herbs which are locally called ‘agbo’ are now everywhere. They are right there in your face. I am actually proud of the distributive network that we have been able to achieve with herbal medicine. This area has become a money generating source for many in Nigeria. A lot of people are living and surviving through the production network of herbal medicine. I believe that it is time that the government should take advantage and encourage more circulation and export.
Your most embarrassing moment?
Can’t really remember a particular case but I recalled that in my earlier days as a herbal practitioner, there was a complaint by somebody who purchased my herbal medicine that it was used and it didn’t work. From then on, I strove harder to ensure that such a thing never occurs again. I still remember that it was painful to me because such report kills brands. So over the years I have endeavoured to ensure that such a thing never happens. It hurts. The joy of a product is to see it work.
What has motivated you over the years?
It is God. I cannot say that it has been my wife. I cannot even say it has been my staff. It is God that has motivated and sustained me over the years.
Your most challenging moment?
There have been challenges but I must tell you that there is no time that you look up in the sky in the afternoon that there won’t be a black lining in the sky. And at the same time, there is no time at night when you look up in the sky that you won’t see a white lining there. That means that there are different times and seasons in the world. There definitely will be times when things will be well, but even then, there will be challenges. There is no way a vehicle will move from one distance to another with the same speed. So for me, I do not see challenges, instead what i see is a beautiful life with ups and downs.

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