Lawyer, Writer and famous Nigerian ex beauty queen Helen Prest Ajayi recently shared her memory of her meeting with the Late boxing champion of the world Mohammed Ali. It was a rare meeting which the late champion held dear to his heart.
Muhammed Ali: A Tribute
Helen Prest Ajayi

"How are you Helen"he drawled as I stepped forward. The display halted, as we chatted. He was so kind friendly and funny. I could feel myself having an out of body experience as I jabbered away and cackled with unnecessary laughter, I was deliriously momentarily insane, for what reason I don"t know. The thought occurred to me that the father of the boy had probably hoped that Alli would carry his son off to America, maybe we all did. Alas in the twinkle of an eye poof!it was all over. If it was today I would have asked to take a selfie, he was however sweet enough to write me a very special note.
(Helen Prest Ajayi's pix: Bellanaija)
Wao. Very nice.