hard could life be for a pastor, to the extent that he chose to commit suicide
and abandon his ministry, his lovely wife and beautiful children! But that is
part of the life-story of Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe, a successful pharmacist
turned successful pastor.
a young pharmacist, graduate of University of Ife, life was cool. From one high
paying job to another. But God kept knocking the door, calling him to a full
time ministry. He ignored the call. Which led to great consequences. And when
he finally accepted to go into full time ministry, he performed great miracles
but he had no miracle! One day he woke up, decided that he had been through
enough hardship. He dropped his children at school, sent his wife on errand,
brought out the rope he had earlier bought and tied it on his neck!
life story of Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe is the type that good Nollywood scripts
are made of. Indeed a box office material. In this interview with Paul Ukpabio,
the Bishop tells his own moving story.
big Pastor has a salvation story. Can you share your's with us?
began the Christian in 1976 the Christian race begins with being born again.
Being born again means salvation. So I got born again February 1976. I was in
secondary school class 3. I started to preach. And that was at Government
College, Ughelli in Delta state. The day I got born again, I was forced to
attend a service. It was the normal hostel life, two seniors were fighting and
my friends and I decided to go and watch. My school father then was in the
local scripture union which normally meets after prep. He caught me watching
the fight slapped me and ordered me to go for the SU meeting. I ran but he held
unto my shorts, beat me, forced me to the SU meeting. Just now I realise that
this sort of thing has been happening in my life. I have been progressing
through the force of battle! When I entered the SU meeting room, there were
about seven people. But that was how God planned it for me. My school father
said to me, 'if you leave I will deal with you.' As we were about to pray,
something happened. It was like the heavens opened and I was rolling on the
floor. I began to shout fire, fire, fire. The whole hostel was suddenly in
pandemonium. Everybody thought it was physical fire and started running. Some
carried buckets of water. I was on the floor, shouting and rolling out of the
room. That was how it started for me.
where did the fire take you to?
Government College I went to University of Ife to study Pharmacy. When I got to
Ife, I was still a small boy, campus was for adults, there were grown up adults
everywhere. But they saw something different in the small boy which I was. My
dedication to things of God stood me out. I was usually the first to arrive for
fellowship for instance, arranging chairs, cleaning the place. Then it was only
one Christian group on campus unlike now, where there are so many of them on
campus. And we were about a thousand in number. It was called The Evangelical
Union ECU, Professors, other lecturers were in it. We were meeting on Tuesdays,
The fire was on me, it showed in my diligence. So I was made the Assistant
General Secretary. From there at the next election I became the Organising PRO
then the Vice President. So throughout my stay on campus it was fire, fire,
graduation, you were supposed to be a Pharmacist. How did you combine that with
the fire for Christianity?
practised Pharmacy for ten years. I worked in a private firm and when it was
too much work for me, I moved into government employment as a senior
pharmacist. But at a stage, I couldn't cope again, with the government work
where I closed at 3pm. People were coming for prayers even during office hours.
The pharmacy door would be open and people will be asking to see the pastor. So
I knew it was time to go. Even God told me leave the hospital. He told me to
leave pharmacy. But I didn't. I told myself that I could cope with pharmacy and
the ministry.
began the ministry in 1992. It was just a fellowship. It was called Chapel of
Liberty. My reasoning was that I am a multi task person. But I became sick. I
knew I was going to die. My fear was, if I leave pharmacy, I will die. So I
prepared for God to take me early, which I thought was better, because the way
I saw it, either ways I was going to die. But God replied that I will never
die. I was still a young pastor, I didn't have faith. I was scared. I had faith
for God, but not faith to leave the work that I was doing that was generating
income for me. I didn't have a friend who had done it before, who could advice
me. My father did not do it. The pastors then were few and the ones that we
saw, were wretched. Not like today! So I said no, I will work. I struggled on.
I became sick. I was bleeding from the nose. I woke up in the morning and I
found out that my clothes was wet, blood everywhere on my chest. I was using
cotton wool to hold back blood from my nose. I was rushed to the Federal
Medical Centre at 1004 Flats in Victoria Island. That was then when the
senators were residents there. I was their pharmacist. I was on bed rest but
still bleeding. I was on drip. After a while, I called the nurse to give me a
paper and pen. She asked me why I needed that. I replied that I knew why I was
on the hospital bed. They brought it to me. Right there on the hospital bed, I
wrote my letter of resignation. I would have actually done it earlier, but each
time, I was tempted to resign, my boss increased my salary. He would ask me why
I wanted to resign, or did he offend me in anyway? I would reply that I wanted
to resign for God, he would again ask me if I thought he was against God. He
actually allowed me to take the Federal job but insisted that I work on part
time consulting for him. He was going into manufacturing and working on setting
up a plant outside Lagos. I was the one setting up the production plant for him
with the assistance of a bank. He was very big. He had technical partners from
abroad. For me, shuttling to work outside Lagos, sooner affected my church
attendance on Sundays. When I complained, he accepted that I should not be
travelling out again but be based in Lagos, but the work must continue.
happened next?
that day on the hospital bed, I didn't look back again, I resigned. Five
minutes after I wrote that letter, the Lord told me, 'forget your laptop,
forget your professional books, don't go back there. If you want those items,
send somebody to go and collect them for you, don't go there because if you do,
the man will hold you down.' Again five minutes later, the medical team came
for the normal ward round, I was told, 'pharmacist, you have improved today.'
The nurse shouted 'no he has not improved, he was bleeding just moments ago
today.' But the doctor replied that, from what he was seeing, I have totally
recovered. They removed the cotton wool, and the blood had totally dried up.
Within another ten minutes, I was discharged. The sickness was gone. I was
looking pale though but good to go. I was given some drugs and told to go. But
I knew I didn't even need all the drugs because my energy was restored few
minutes after. From that day, I went into full time ministry.
my advice to pastors intending to go into ministry is to make sure that it is
God that is calling them before they go into ministry and not just a feeling
that God wants them in ministry because even Saint Paul in the bible was
working. He was building tents. He wrote nine books of the bible but had a
secular business of his own.
has been the challenges of ministry since you started ministry?
challenge has been my normal fears which was money, then also, ministry
requires one to be focussed. Again, there is the problem of needs of the
ministry, personal needs, how does one cope with that? There is also wisdom
which is very much needed in ministry work. Wisdom is a challenge because if
you don't know how to manage money you are gone!
did money start coming into your ministry?
I have never believed in preaching about money in my ministry. That is why mine
was different! I know there are pastors who are gifted in fund raising, but not
me! Maybe that is their gift. For me, I am not gifted in that direction. Money
came through miracles to me. Everything that I have, came to me by miracles. I
preach the bible and sometimes I even forget to collect offerings and members
will shout offering, offering, offering! sometimes I'm about saying the grace
of God to end the service and the members remind me that they are with their
offerings and tithes. So the question is how does money come in. Personally it
has been by miracles.
what is the role of money in ministry?
has always been a challenge in the ministry. But more than money, is the
challenge of people. Its difficult to trust people. There is the challenge of
people you trust disappointing you, workers, family members, friends, people
you give instructions to, amongst these set of people I have mentioned, they
follow you about, but the motives are wrong. People are in church for different
motives, it is a big challenge! You have two hundred people in church, how do
you know their various motives? I know the mango tree, if I plant it, It will
grow after a certain period of time. I can predict the guava tree. I can
predict yam maybe between three months and six months, maize three months, it
will grow and give me what to eat. But I can never predict a human being. The
ones that you think you know, when they descend on you or when they betray you,
then you realise it is a difficult world. Someone promised to be here with me
as I speak to you. But he is not here. He nearly used his life to swear he will
be here! So this is my challenge. God reminds me that all these people came to
meet me because He has deposited something in me. A grace, an anointing. It is
important to wait for the people God give you because it is not everybody that
comes to you that God has sent to you. Some people send themselves to you on a
motive. Another advice I have for young pastors, is to be focused on the
work. For instance you use money to buy a shirt and the shirt attracts women
and then you are distracted and follow the women and leave the work of God. It
should not be so. Don't focus on the people in church, focus on God. A pastor
will be the biggest fool if he takes away his eyes from God who gave that glory
and power and focus on the crowd. Never focus on the crowd and never trust a
you said, pastors used to be seen as wretched? The emphasis today is on wealth
creation, what have you to say to this?
those days I was afraid to leave my well paid employment to be a pastor because
the pastors then looked wretched. So I struggled with the calling until I was
at the verge of death. Then Kenneth Higgins came along. You know God deals with
the church with revelatory levels. There was a season that what the church
needed was salvation not money. Just get born again. Then we could worship in
the sun or in the rain. Even in Lagos here, people were going to churches
erected with bamboos. That was the move of God then. But God does not remain in
one place. He moves around. At a stage God moved to the area of prosperity.
Look at Abraham, he prospered meaning you can serve God and be rich, they did
not see the scriptures that said that the richest man in the world at a
particular time was King Solomon, someone who served the Lord. A man of God
though very controversial. He was born out of adultery but God decided to use
him. You cannot judge these things. The Queen of Sheba came looking for King
Solomon. At a stage, the church got that revelation that it is not our lot to
be under. So why will a Babalawo or a cultist be cruising a Jeep and the man of
God has no car? Then anger for change came in. There was a time for instance
that our parents were poor and then anger came upon the land that there must be
a change. So they started sending their children to school and that created the
difference. The same pattern. The church began to discover money and pastors
began to preach prosperity. Some pastors even got to the point of using
gimmicks faking miracles. Thank God I never witness such. At a point money
became over-emphasised.
days, we have also heard of people trying to take advantage of pastors through
blackmail and so on. What do you have to say about this?
most cases it emanates from struggles within the church for the so-called
money. There are people in the church that can use females within the church
for the so-called money. There are people in the church that can use women
within the church, to tempt the pastor. Or even use the government to attract a
pastor. Take for instance the man that used a finance bill to try to force
Pastor Adeboye off the headship of the church. He was a member of the church!
Well, I don't know if he is still a member there now. He saw the system of the
church, instead of going to meet the father in the Lord, he went to government,
went to the senators, some of who did not even know such a law existed, because
he wanted to curb the powers of the pastor. And God prevailed, it was suspended
immediately. That is an example of an internal battle faced by pastors.
have been a victim. So sometimes they use women to tempt the pastor. When those
set of people in the church notice that there is or are some women that are
close to you in church, they try to use them against the pastor. For example,
there was a certain period in my life when a lady was working with me and
holding my phones. She was using it to post church videos on my behalf.
Sometimes she is off with the phone and I start looking for my phone and she
says she is somewhere. I was nearly a victim because in that instance, your
voice could be replicated. By taking your phones away, what they do with them
you don't know. If God sees that you are sincere He will help you out of any
situation. Today people can manipulate voices. The voice will just be like you.
And before you know it, people could be screaming man of God in sexual scandal.
Those who know the truth were able to read through the line. If someone working
with you has access to your phones as a pastor to download your videos, or
audios or replying messages on your behalf, then you need to be careful. I have
about twelve phones and my church members working with me use them. Your voice
can be cloned and the next thing you are involved in a scandal. People who try
to set pastors up, are looking for nothing else but the money. I have
experienced it.
time a youth leader in my church used my private phone to propose marriage to a
lady abroad, implying that I have approved of the marriage. But the lady
somehow was not convinced of the voice. She had my other lines which she used
to call me to verify. I was shocked. Some people use the phone to ask people
for money saying fake things like we are involved in a project and we need
money. Staff can do anything with your phone.
we know that your wife is involved in your ministry, tell us at what point did
you get married?
came to a point when I was regularly seeing more and more women around me and
the temptation was becoming much. When you start growing in ministry, to avoid
fornication, a wise pastor must get married so I got married to my wife. Apart
from money, women issues are real issues. My wife is special. I praise women,
they are worth being famous too.
have Daily Manna which has become popular in many countries, where did the
inspiration come from?
some years, the ministry I started ran into crisis. I called it mid-life crisis
which 85% of people go through. One day, I will turn that period into a book.
So I went to the market and bought a rope to kill myself. My wife did not know.
That was 18 years ago. That morning, I had gone to drop my children in school.
Before then, I had been telling my wife that I was going to kill myself. I was
telling God repeatedly to take me away because the problems were too much for
me. As I was about to kill myself, to hang myself and to destroy myself, I
heard a voice telling me 'you have passed the test. Between 8 and 10years, you
have been praying for other people who have been getting results, but you have
not been getting your own results instead you have been having bad dreams,
accusations, and excruciating pain.' It was like a rain turned into flood. So I
asked God, why did you wait for so long before coming? I didn't even know then
that suicide was a sin. I thought if you can confess your sins but the last sin
which is the death, who will confess it? I sent my wife to buy something then I
moved into action and then a voice continued 'all what you have been through,
is not unto death but unto the fulfilment of destiny unto millions.' The voice
was repeating itself in my head loudly. You shall write, you shall write as you
have suffered so that through you, millions shall come out of that same
suffering. I asked again, 'Lord where have you been?' After that, strength came
into me. all my fears were gone.I can tell you today that when suicide spirit
get into people, they don't know what they are doing, it is a spirit of its
own. At that moment, the person thinks that is the best option. I came down and
the message continued in my head 'you shall write, you shall write, that is how
the Daily Manna came about. I got revelation for Daily manna, but my wife told
me to add 'our' to it. So it was she that added the 'Our' to it. I prayed
and the Lord said to me, 'add the our to it. So we have Our Daily Manna. We
started 18 years ago with 50 copies in Delta but today its around the world.
attracted you to your wife?
wouldn't say it was beauty because at the beginning she wasn't like the way she
is now. She was very slim. Her love for God attracted me. So did her passion
for the things of God. I saw her and I said to myself, 'this lady loves God.' I
was totally attracted to her passion for God.
you have private moments with family, when do you find time to relax?
am a writer and not just a pastor. Most pastors who write books write every
three or five years. I write books every three months. For instance when I
leave here now I am going to preach, tomorrow a big crowd is coming, I will
preach. Night and day I write, so when do I relax. When I was much younger,
there was nothing like relaxation. But now that I am getting older, I run home
to mommy when I need rest. And again when I travel outside the country, there,
I find time to rest. But here, even when I am writing, she doesn't come near
me. We are working hard. As a writer, it is a lonely world and with millions of
people around the world to hear from you, one cannot sit down and be idle. To
get inspiration to write is a lonely life. On sunday mornings the big crowd is
there, you preach. But once service is over, they are gone, it's a lonely life.
I live a lonely life. So I go home to stay with mommy. Staying with my family
is the way to relax.
you fulfilled, do you have any regret going into the ministry?
do not have regret but if I say I do not have a pain, I would be joking. Once
in a while, I wish I weren't called, because of the attacks, because I am
always in the forefront of other peoples bullet. So I don call it regret
because I am very fulfilled happy and blessed. I don't even deserve where I am
but once in a while I say 'Oh God, why am I visible, I want to serve you with
fire but don't let people know me,' but God has not answered that prayer.
Everything I do, even makes me more popular. I am 41 years now in the Lord and
I have been praying that prayer for as long as I can remember. I am even
writing a book on that now, titled, 'the prayer God refused to answer. I ask
God to make me the least but not the last. But now if I cough everybody
hears. you see the irony of life?
a time of recession in the country what can you say about this as regard to
your lifestyle and to Christians in general?
in the churches expenditure is not dropping because the generators must still
run and administrative work must be done. For pastors, we have to continue to
have faith in God because even in recession, God can make a way for His work.
The work of a pastor cannot die because of recession. It is God's work, it can
never suffer. For Christians, if you know that you are serving God, His word
says 'I have been young, now I am old, I have never seen the righteous forsaken
or his children begging bread.' God will make a way where there is no way.
Christians must remember that this is not the first recession, and it can never
be the last. In the bible we read of how Joseph was sold into Egypt, it was a
big recession that made even his parents and entire family run to Egypt to beg
for corn. What the bible call famine is recession. The bible also says that
'Isaac sold in famine and got hundred fold where others were complaining so God
is almighty. In this recession, God can change your business and you can become
another Isaac in Nigeria.
us about your sense of fashion and style
Today you can see that I am officially dressed in my Bishop robe. Due to my earlier
profession, I am usually formally dressed in suits. But I also like to wear
African fashion.
have gone through many experiences in life, what will you say success is to
is the grace of God, grace in the sense that two people may go through same
thing, same experience, it kills one and doesn't kill the other. Some things I
have gone through kill one of my friends. He died through same experience. So
it wasn't because I am very intelligent, it was the grace of God. The same malaria
can kill one person and not kill another. It is the mercy of God. The sin that
kills others may not kill you. It is the mercy of God. It is the mercy of God
that is the seed of success. Sometimes you don't even feel like serving God or
you feel like leaving but God starts looking for you. Meanwhile there are
millions of people searching for God, but that same God is looking for you that
does not even want to look for Him. That is God's mercy. It leads to success
and you can't explain it. Look at Jonah running from God, imagine that! God
that can get hold of him and squeeze him and finish him. But God insisted that
He must use the man Jonah. Meanwhile there were so many people then crying to
be used but God did not use them. That is mercy. Success is not from
connections or from one being sharp but mercy of God.
Its really sad to hear about his story. In your life at some stages you may think about abandoning the world and commit suicide due to some depressing factors affecting your life.