Last week, I talked about the futility of new year’s resolutions especially since many times people and even nations make them without proper evaluation of the past mistakes and lessons. Reflecting on the past has inspired this week’s article. I stated in last week’s piece that it has been two years of putting to paper my varied and wise thoughts of a senior citizen concerned about his country and environment. I would like to review my two years’ writings on the issues that have bedeviled Nigeria into the following areas;
• Acute Unemployment and Poverty
• Climate Change
• Environmental Pollution
• Leadership, Governance, and Nation Building
• Our History, Lost Heritage, and The Future
• Power, Corruption, and the Economy
• Climate Change
• Environmental Pollution
• Leadership, Governance, and Nation Building
• Our History, Lost Heritage, and The Future
• Power, Corruption, and the Economy
In this second installment of a three-part summary of
the past two years, I will review the main foci of these groupings.
Acute unemployment and poverty
The Industrial Revolution of the West was driven by an
Agricultural Revolution. These economic sectors were sustained by the invention
of the wheel, tools, and machines that also aided the Mining
Industries that
sourced the raw materials for all the industries. The developmental forays of
these industries into the Nigerian economy ended with the Murtala-Obasanjo
regime who abolished the Rolling Plan development strategies of the First
Republic. Over time the machine tools companies, steel rolling mills, vehicle
assembling plants, papermills, rice mills, textile mills, refineries, food
processing plants, etc all collapsed, died, or remain comatose to this day. The
graduates produced from our Universities and Polytechnique as well as those
returning from overseas colleges found no industries to employ them.
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Jibunoh |
While some decided to emigrate, some engaged in small
businesses, and others turned to crimes. Above all, a good population of our
youths in certain parts of the country became disinterested in acquiring any
form of education, or not enough, to make them productive. The result is
millions of unproductive youth roaming the streets. The productive emigres
remain abroad, lost to their nation. Others become slaves and prostitutes in
their adopted countries. Some died during their exodus or were killed and
dismembered for body parts.
There are now more poor people living in Nigeria than
anywhere else in the world. In a recent report by the World Poverty Clock, the
number of extremely poor Nigerians has risen to over 91 million. This is an
increase of over four million Nigerians from the figure released in June 2018
when we overtook India’s 73 million poor people to become the poverty capital
of the world. To put the poverty statistics in another context, if poor Nigerians
were a country it would be more populous than Germany. Almost six people in
Nigeria fall into this trap every minute. It is disheartening to see that
despite this the preset government hasn’t presented a clear blueprint to
tackling the many issues facing the country.
Climate change
This is the singular most critical issue threatening
the long-term survival of planet earth as we know it. For over 50 years, I have
been an advocate and crusader of actions to mitigate the effects of climate
change on our planet in general and on Nigeria in particular. Whereas it may
take a while to get rid of earth or completely destroy it, individual countries
or portions of a country may face imminent disasters from climate change
phenomena. In this regard, the greatest threat to Nigeria is desert
encroachment by the Sahara, and desertification of our forests from bad farming
practices, logging, and over grazing. These occurrences lead to loss of
vegetative cover, loss of fertile lands and grazing fields.
Consequent on these losses, migration of people seeking
greener pastures become inevitable. What are neither natural, nor acceptable
are the criminal activities of the Fulani herdsmen. Food therefore, or lack of
it, is a security issue that must be taken seriously. And so is unemployment.
Environmental pollution
There are so many facets of this phenomenon. Being an
environmentalist, this is a pet subject to me. Whereas it is closely linked to
Climate Change, it has so many distinct elements that make it a subject matter
of its own. The well being of the environment affects our quality of life and
health. The topics we looked at included poor waste management leading to air,
ground water, and surface water pollution; contamination of soil and ground
water from street trading and vehicle mechanics; clogging of road drains and
overgrown road verges leading to flooding of roads, pothole developments, and
road failures; traffic congestions arising from failed roads and consequent
carbon pollution; poor town and city planning leading to housing and traffic
congestion; poor dust control from unclean streets and sandy property set-backs
leading to the creation of blocked drains and puddles of stagnant water on
roads, flooding, property destruction, and even loss of lives. These issues
illustrate both a poor understanding of the mechanics of pollution control and
waste management.
Leadership, governance, and nation-building
The nation Nigeria did not exist before 1914. It was
created not out of love and desire, but as a cost cutting measure for a
colonial power who hitherto was running two administrations for their rules
over Southern and Northern Protectorates. The people’s opinions were not sought
nor listened to. Subsequent governance therefore, was not done to engender
unity and nation building. Rather, it was done to ease the administrative
burden of pillorying our natural resources and trade with the British.
Institutions that would foster patriotism were not vigorously developed at any
time. The instruments of justice were seen as means of coercion by the colonial
masters and the rich, rather than the bedrock of the principles of the rule of
law in a democracy.
The military coups of the mid-sixties were reportedly
staged to correct the flaws, thievery, and corruption of the First Republic,
but their greatest achievement was to plunge Nigeria into a 30-month civil war
that devastated all vestiges of national unity. Right onto 1999, subsequent
military governments succeeded in destroying the federal principles of our
union, entrenched corruption in unprecedented fashion, and eliminated true,
patriotic governance in our polity. At the two occasions that politicians were
returned to power, the structures of true governance, rule of law, and
patriotism were completely destroyed.
The nation today, more than ever, is in search of
leadership. The presidency and the national assembly govern as if we are, at
best, in a one-party system, and more as a dictatorship. The courts are not
independent and there is no check on the excesses and short comings of the
government. Under such circumstances, nation building is difficult, and the
country is truly in a downward spiral.
Our history, lost heritage, and future
It is said that he who wears the shoe knows where it
pinches him. The Missionaries, jihadists, and colonialists plundered,
destroyed, and stole a lot of our indigenous artifacts, arts, books, and
writings during their murderous incursions into our lands. Wherever these lost
and stolen treasures are found, we will endeavour to bring them back, so must
be our resolve. It is ironic and insulting that the same people that accused us
of ignorance are the ones who stole and destroyed our history and heritage to
trample on us.
Since the civil war, attempts have been made by both
sides to present revisionist accounts of what happened. This is wrong; an
inaccurate official account of what happened in our early days following
independence does this country a great disservice. Our children need to know
the truth in order to forge ahead. Indeed we need to seek true rehabilitation.
Power, corruption, and economy
Power in my essays means two things; one is the power
of the State apparatuses, arrogated or grabbed by officials to coerce
oppression. The other power is that required to move and light our homes and
businesses – electric power. Both types of power have become instruments of
corruption, and all three are devastating to our economy. Thanks to these,
Nigeria remains a third world country in the 21st Century, with no end in
sight. The thievery and the endemic incompetence of political leaders and
public servants have so impoverished the country that we now have over
90million poor people in a country of 185million.
Nigeria is the only country in the world where the
provision of electricity is seen as a favour and privilege, reminiscent of the
telecommunication institution of pre 2000. Until we have uninterrupted power
supply, the Nigerian economy will not diversify and the people will not get
truly comfortable. The questions that confound me are: Why will the leaders not
see this? Do they not have any shame?
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